Chris & Gabby

Chris lost his right leg below the knee, severely injured his right arm, and broke his neck in a vehicle accident at Fort Bragg. He spent 1.5 years at Walter Reed getting put back together and recovering. He completed his physical therapy back at Fort Bragg, and continued with another 12 years of service. He went to Afghanistan twice and led his soldiers in combat after recovering from his accident. Chris retired with 21 years serving in the Army. As Chris settled into retired life he began to realize that he needed some help with daily tasks. Andy had met Chris at Walter Reed and stayed in touch. Andy knew that a service dog could help Chris at this stage of his life.

We flew Chris here to St. Louis and had arranged for him to throw out the first pitch at a Cardinals game. As Chris was talking to the catcher, Gabby was brought out on the field. About a month later they were officially paired together. Chris says, “It doesn’t matter how long you have your disability, you always have your good days and bad days. Gabby has helped me brace, retrieve things, and push buttons to open doors. When I have nightmares, she has learned to hop on the bed, lick my face, and wake me up and she’s staying there until I sit up. She’s been amazing! Her and I are a perfect fit.”


Pupdate: Nala

Salute to SGT Smith

Sandy Wirtz Gold Star Mother’s Day Video

Sarchione Truck Show and Drive In 2022


Our Partners

We’d like to extend a big thank you to our corporate and media partners for your generous support. Your help gives us the opportunity to do what we do, and give both service members and our rescued dogs a chance at a better life.