Sgt US Marines Retired Andrew (Drew) Miller & Bob

On the front lines with daily convoys and patrols, Drew sustained back and knee injuries, TBI, and PTSD. Living in St. Charles, close to St. Louis, Drew was able to work with Bob in our training facility and in public training sessions with our team of trainers. Being a father to two, Drew wanted a service dog to help him be a better father and do more with his family. Bob offers mobility support, but also gives Drew the confidence to start doing things he hasn’t done for a long time. Bob’s compassion and constant attention helps keep Drew calm during anxiety attacks. Bob offers Drew a brace for extra support when getting up and down, retrieval of items, and confidence to go out and about again. His wife says, “We finally have been able to go out and do things as a family!”


Our Partners

We’d like to extend a big thank you to our corporate and media partners for your generous support. Your help gives us the opportunity to do what we do, and give both service members and our rescued dogs a chance at a better life.